
The Power of Belief

In this series I shed some light on what transpired on my journey of going from waiting tables, dreaming of one day being a "real singer", to present day where I make my full-time income from music. In this video I chat about the power of Belief. In my opinion it is...

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How I stay connected while on the road

How I stay connected while on the road

As digital nomads, connectivity is almost as important as the views for us. Find out how I’m able to keep up with my singing schedule, upload YouTube videos, call family and more all while boondocking (no hookup camping) in remote locations in my RV.

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Rewiring your brain for happiness and success

Rewiring your brain for happiness and success

We have good days and we have bad days. We’re happy, we’re sad and we're everything in between. We are multifaceted and we are meant to be that way. It's how we process our bad days however that keeps us in the shadows of life or brings us to the light. Our real power...

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The Illusion Of Separation

The Illusion Of Separation

Ego is the ultimate limiter, separator and restrictor of genuine human connection. The more the ego is fortified with naming, definitions and absolutes, the greater power it has to create ones own false sense of reality. It is the difference between creating heaven on...

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How to get more session singing work

How to get more session singing work

This is a follow up to my last video of "How to make Money Singing from Home (http://bit.ly/makemoneysinging)" as it seems to be a poplar subject! I'm loving that so many of you have made it over to Air Gigs and would love to share with you what I've learned along the...

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Seek to Add Value

Seek to Add Value

Consider becoming the type of energy that, no matter where you go, or where you are, you add value to the spaces and lives around you. We’re used to checking our appearance before heading out the door, but how often do we check our inner appearance before showing up...

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Mirror, Mirror OFF the wall

Mirror, Mirror OFF the wall

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” To become overly attached to your physical appearance ensures a life-long path of suffering as you watch your form go through the natural motions that were set into play the day you were brought into this...

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How to Create a Music Website on a Budget

How to Create a Music Website on a Budget

As a recording artist, professional singer or band, one of THE most important tools for your career is to have your own branded and professional website. This is also one of the hardest things for singers to come by as 1. a great looking and functional one is expensive and 2. it seems an impossible task as a non-coder.

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I Dare You to Dream

I Dare You to Dream

As a writer and personal development proponent, it is important to me that my listeners get something from my music. I love to see that spark in someones eye or an attitude shift. To create a dialogue between my listeners and I and share ideas or thoughts that might not have otherwise breached the surface.

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I’m the new voice of Movie Park Germany!

I’m the new voice of Movie Park Germany!

As a session singer I get hired to sing on many interesting and creative projects. This has got be my favorite by far. I was contact by Movie Park Germany to sing their parks official theme song! You can now hear yours truly blasting through the speakers...

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The 11th folder

The 11th folder

I've grown to love my desktop folders. I never thought I'd have the need to write that line, but it's true. I love them because every time I create a new one it means something has come to pass. They represent forward movement. A new adventure in this musical journey...

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Writing Amongst Legends

Writing Amongst Legends

Writing with the amazing Susan Koc and Shelly Peiken (co-writer of What a Girl Wants and Come on Over Baby/Christina Aguilera, Who You Are/Jessie J, Almost doesn’t count/Brandy, Glee, etc).

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